Many people have a habit that every month only pay the minimum payment of their credit card bill. This causes the credit card bills accumulate to be more and more, and at last, they are not afford to pay the bills.
Most of us know that the credit card interest is 1.5% per month, and there is 20 day interest free period. It means that the interest is only calculated if you do not pay the bills within 20 days from the bill issuance date.
Anyway, from July onwards, there is no more 20 day interest free period for those who do not pay the credit card fully. If you just pay the minimum payment, once you swipe your card, the interest will be calculated immediately. And, the late charge is also increased to RM10 instead of RM5 previously.
So, please pay all your credit card bill on time to avoid the high interest being charged to your retails. Do not let the bill to grow, the compounding of interest can make the debt increase very fast. So, PAY OFF all your CREDIT CARD DEBT NOW!!!
Most of us know that the credit card interest is 1.5% per month, and there is 20 day interest free period. It means that the interest is only calculated if you do not pay the bills within 20 days from the bill issuance date.
Anyway, from July onwards, there is no more 20 day interest free period for those who do not pay the credit card fully. If you just pay the minimum payment, once you swipe your card, the interest will be calculated immediately. And, the late charge is also increased to RM10 instead of RM5 previously.
So, please pay all your credit card bill on time to avoid the high interest being charged to your retails. Do not let the bill to grow, the compounding of interest can make the debt increase very fast. So, PAY OFF all your CREDIT CARD DEBT NOW!!!
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